Sunday, 9 April 2017

Round Up.

 All I can say for TC Debbie is she provided some spectacular scenery.  The mop up is ongoing. Bit like our kitchen...

We have reached the stage where we are neither one thing nor another. OT will be here over Easter ~ hopefully to finish a job well begun.

Having reefed everything out we found our timber walls were 3 different shades & as the MOTH & I had no desire to sand everything back we opted to paint.  The cupboards & drawers are light but the only colour I even considered for the walls was a dark green gloss ~ unusual perhaps but most people who've seen it have liked it despite it being a rather unusual choice ~ though as one friend pointed out it is a *heritage colour*, & therefore suits our timber walls rather well.

The cats have decided the whole exercise is for their benefit.  Kirby has taken to sleeping on the microwave, Marlow in the drawers. Marlow, an incurable sticky~beak, has supervised the whole proceedings with utmost curiosity & so completely underfoot he was in danger of being squashed.

Meanwhile 2 computers crashed forcing me off~line... *sigh* All my sermon notes & links etc live in my computer.  Not a happy camper. A wonderful friend took them away & sorted out the webular mess. Now I have to transfer my handwritten sermon notes ~ if I can read them... Preaching ~ well, notes are just that~ notes.  I can ad lib to some purpose but putting them up online they do have to make some sense to someone besides me.


  1. Green always works. IMO! Kirby looks like he would rather you hold him than the camera though.

  2. Kirby has been most upset by all the disturbance! Yes, I think green always works ~ or blue. I like the cooler shades.

  3. Green is my favorite, and I love the shade you've chosen!

  4. Thanks, Julie. I like it too. Looking forward to it all being finished. We are camping out in the living room & I am over it! ☺
