Sunday, 16 April 2017

A little of this...

When the cooler weather arrives it is worth getting up early just for the sunrise.  They never last long but they are brilliant & intense for just a moment ~ if you are lucky enough.  In summer the sunrise, like the sky itself, is limp & washed out, leached of colour by the shimmering heat but winter is different.

 On Sunday the sunrise was an infusion of colour that engulfed sea & sky & land right around so that you felt as if you were sitting in a liquid pot of colour, but Monday was very different.
 Monday the colour was dark & dramatic, the drifting clouds reflected in the still water.  OT, who is here at present, was out on the water already & it would have been bitterly cold for all its beauty.
 The MOTH, who never does anything by halves, & having decided the rather motley bromeliads we were given looked rather well under the palm trees, went ahead & ordered more.  Hmmm... He got some expensive but mixed varieties as well as a bunch of cheapies.  I may grow to like them better than I do at present. They at least provide the undercover which was never going to be easy to fill in this particular spot.
Much more to my liking & great satisfaction, he ordered some tree ferns.  These grow to about 4 or 5 feet high with a wonderful arching spread of feathery foliage. They arrive as denuded stumps but  after just a few days the fronds grew, unfurled, & you can just see the first ones in amongst all the other green.  I love tree ferns.  They are such a lovely lush plant without being all in your face about it.

And then there was Sunday ~ but I think I will leave that for another post.

We are still kitchenless.  OT is picking at it but days like this are for fishing & he doesn't get so much free time. I don't blame him.  Our Autumn days are simply too lovely to waste indoors.


  1. Such stunning views! And we have green buds on the trees just starting to pop out, and our brown grass is finally turning green after a spring rain yesterday. Hugs to you. xoxo

  2. That must be so nice after your winter, Julie! Hugs back. ☺

  3. I LOVE Australian fern trees! The first time I saw any was at the Sunken Gardens in Florida. Unfortunately, the winters in that part of Florida made growing them iffy or I would have had a few of my own. The Sunken Gardens were below sea level and they were better protected there but even then on the coldest of days they would bring in heaters. There were some that grew well over head there. So lovely.

  4. I will send pics when our tree ferns have established. They are doing wonderfully well & I am so thrilled to have them. We have some different sorts as well ~ though I don't know them & will have to see. ☺
