Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Little things...

 I love living where we do.  There is always something lovely to greet you.  The other morning it was this kookaburra taking the sun on a verandah table but one morning I heard the unmistakable boom boom of wallabies & 3, mum, dad, bubs, shot out of the bush along the tideline.  Little things amuse me ~ but honestly, so much nicer than anything in the news these days.
So happy with the way our green walls are looking ~ & Marlow is thrilled to have so much cardboard about ~ & all those lovely deep drawers to snooze in.

While we await the arrival of OT to finish the job off we are paddling in the garden.  Today the MOTH pulled out all the bits of metal & wire & rotting timber that held my veggie patch together & we have marked out where the lovely thick timber edging will replace it. We are going to put some trellis up for the defunct passionfruit vine & hopefully a new grape vine as well. Sadly we have taken so long to get this far I can't see me getting in a winter garden this year though I may opt for things like silverbeet that will last through into the summer.

Despite the onslaught of cold weather on Cyclone Debbie's heels the mozzies are not discouraged & working outside is something of a nightmare due to the black hordes threatening to carry us off ~ or at least as much of our blood as they can get at.  I hate mozzies.  And midgies. I'm sure they're the devil's pets. Only ticks are worse.

1 comment:

  1. Love how the kitchen is looking! I am working in the gardens a lot right now as well. And about mosquitoes, I would love to see them on the endangered species list... and I have a question for God about their original purpose before the fall. Ours are not yet out much but I am getting bit by some pests anyway.
