Saturday, 23 September 2017

New Things.

Parking is @ such a premium for all islanders that if you can afford to pay for a permanent parking spot you do.  It saves so much hassle.  We were lucky.  We got ourselves one of the last spots with the lady we've always parked with when we've had a mainland car.  While not the handiest park it saves the endless round & round, endless fines for parking where one shouldn't or risking the wrath of not removing a double~parked car in time.  It sounds mad.  It is mad ~ but our council has refused to either cap our population @ a sensible level or address the need for mainland transport, arguing, wrongly, that the public transport is adequate.  To the shops ~ yes.  Anywhere else ~ no!
Anyway, it has been a week of *new*s. 
New glasses.
New movies...
New skills.

The glasses I am super happy about.  I can see again to do all those multitudes of things that require I see clearly.

The movies I have been waiting to see. Hacksaw Ridge I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would.  All that creeping about in the murky smoke with Japs suddenly emerging...Too much adrenaline for me! However Hidden Figures was an absolute Joy.  The MOTH deemed it slooow...but I remembered so much of the hoo~ha surrounding the space program when I was growing up ~ even the live footage~Kennedy & King & the racial tensions of the 60's.  So much respect for these women who overcame so much!  No sex.  No violence.  Wow.  Such a novelty in this day & age!

And the Little Man has progressed from tottering about on 2 feet to running everywhere.  I babysat last night & will be back over tomorrow as the Dilly is sick & my boy must work.  In between there is church...


  1. Seems to be a rash of news in the same week for me also. What is it with us? Different, yet same. Same, yet different.

    Little Man looks quite good vertical on two. You look adorable in your specks. The blue car looks at peace in its spot.

    The movies...well, I have not even heard of them, I am sorry to say, but then I am an all in sci-fi movie kind of girl, not much of one for things too realistic. However, the Princess and I watched Schindler's List for her first time last week in place of her history lesson because she was not feeling well. I always tear during that movie. Too realistic is just...TOO realistic.

  2. Love Schindler's List! ☺ I like historical stuff though if I know the subject & they get it wrong I am a pain to watch with because I say it's wrong loud & long! ☺ You can imagine what I'm like on anything Arthurian. I got banned from watching *Merlin* with the rest of the household because it was just sooooo wrong on so many counts. lol I can't do horror & even some thrillers prove too much for me but if you really want to watch me do my nut, try Romance. *gag*

  3. I love your glasses! I got some new ones recently too, and don't love them. They're okay, not great. And I watched Hacksaw Ridge about three months ago and hated the gore, but loved the story. I was deeply touched. And Hidden Figures? Fantastic! It made me want to use my brain more than I do; sign up for Algebra II or something. So inspiring! xoxo

    1. lol I can't say I was inspired to sign up for algebra but yep! Truly inspiring. I loved the integrity of the Hacksaw Ridge story but boy was it graphic! Too much for me.
