Sunday, 10 September 2017

Extremely rare footage... ☺

Saturday we headed into Coopooroo for the Heavensong Concert.  We were so excited because our girl was doing a duet.  She has grown so much as a singer but even so I think I am about the only person who has ever heard her really sing full force.  She has always tended to be rather soft in rehearsals & concert so people found it hard to believe she had grunt & raunch & could really let rip.

Alison has done a wonderful job of growing her up through the Vocal Manouevres ranks given we never could afford to do very many private lessons, so the girl has had to work extra hard.

As I sometimes got the full force of her singing personality I was less surprised but just so happy she is finally feeling confident enough in her singing to up the anti.  It was rather rocky there for a bit as her voice changed  but she sounded great & looked absolutely fantastic.  Love my girl!



  1. I haven't heard her sing for a while since she is no longer living @ home but I was so happy for her. I thought she sounded great!
