It's no secret; I find people difficult. Nothing personal. I find
me difficult ~ which is what you get when you have a difficult & complicated personality. I learnt long ago most people don't get me & that makes social interaction hard. I mean, what do you talk about when no~one has heard of Skara Brae & could care less about which strange book you are finding particularly fascinating @ present ...& did you know NASA...? I am generally woefully ignorant of the island gossip but Christians should be different ~ shouldn't they?
Sadly, the brothers & sisters in Christ have been the worst of the worst. Now that should, perhaps, bother me more. I should, perhaps, have worked to mend fences & build bridges but as I don't actually like these people & have nothing in common with them [sadly I don't recognize their Christ, which is terrifying] & I am not by nature social, I simply let it go. I rarely even run into them casually as I am so rarely out & about.
The Church is used to me & they have learnt if they talk about God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, I can actually be quite a good conversationalist. I can even manage some politics. History? Certainly! And so we have jogged along.
Then the Spirit began on the MOTH about how this all looks ~ because oddly the MOTH is actually out & about more than I am ~ not me. I mean, it's hard enough to get me to engage with people I actually like so the others had no hope. However as the MOTH dithered we had one of those weekends when the lads arrived, fished & crabbed & prawned until my house was a salty nightmare ~ & forgot to take it all home with them!
Now I don't eat seafood so this was beyond a nightmare in my books. I hate things to have died for no purpose so as the MOTH filleted & called the lads unmentionable names the Holy Spirit whispered: You know who should give this to, don't you?
I have an extremely wicked sense of humour & a fine sense of the ironic, so I was highly entertained as I passed on this revelation to The Man. I was not required to do anything except relay the information. The MOTH, who also has a delightful sense of the ironic, was also highly entertained. What's more, it was the sort of doing thing that really amuses him ~ so off he went to deliver packages of seafood to all these people who have been very vocal about how much they hate our guts.
Now, they are all completely untrustworthy but it seems the Lord would like the visible barriers mended. One group is prepared to do that, the other...well, they started to & then we did the Goodbye for John's dad. Like I said: I go nowhere, I see no~one ~ but John does: on the boat when he goes to the doctor; @ the doctors; when he does the mainland shopping; in the car while waiting for me...& people talk. What they have been talking about is how brilliant the service for John's dad was. Even the mainland doctor had heard about it & asked questions. It seems the green~eyed monster, Jealousy, has once again reared his ugly head.
It extends, sadly, right down to a family level because our kids are mostly serving the Lord & even the ones not are doing great things ~ & because people gossip that does the rounds & adds more fuel to the fire.
Then our friend from the park ~ yes, that one, the one who screamed @ us, informed us roundly that the whole island hated us. The whole island? Over 3 000 people? Most of whom have never met us & probably don't even know we exist. Surely you exaggerate, sweetheart...?
Meanwhile I am standing @ the checkout waiting to pay for my bread & milk, which is taking forever because of some holdup or other, when the chappie behind me, whom I actually particularly like despite the fact he is married to an avowed witch who is less than fond of us [& you wonder why I have people problems?] starts up: Had I head the news? Trump is about to start WWIII. Really? And hearing the real fear being expressed all around me I merely said I was glad I had something far greater to rely on in this sort of a crisis ~ & to chappie, if anything actually happens, well, it's been really nice knowing you...
And that is before we mention the elephant in the room~ aka marriage equality. What a misnomer! Impossible to have a civil debate to express the Christian viewpoint without being howled down. Beyond me how anyone @ all can support the madness but they do. They are. It was distressing me seeing Christian after Christian being vilified despite every attempt to express their viewpoint lovingly & respectfully but I think I have got a grip on it because it could have been anything really that has caused this Great Divide. The issue is not marriage. Not really. That is just the rock this wave of rebellious man has chosen to break on.
So there are some things that I am holding on to. No matter what happens Jesus is still Lord. We have not lost till the law is changed. This is the clash of 2 world views diametrically opposed to each other & there is no way to reconcile them.
What's more, the Lord told me years ago, before Rhema, that He was going to shake everything that could be shaken & He was calling out His remnant. I am seeing that now. The Liberal church is in grave danger because the remnant, by its very nature, is always small, always counter~culture, always called to holiness in a wicked & degenerate generation. I do not think this is going to be a fun ride. I do think Jesus meant exactly what he said when He said He didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. And people think we're the mad ones...
I guess I should think of myself as fortunate that we are friends, as strange as we both are. And half the time I have no idea what you talking about, BUT oddly we are nearly always on the same path in the walk, it is just that we are seeing different scenery, although currently I am not being attacked as you are. Probably because the Lord knows I have not enough sanity to handle it right now, so that is what you get for being more sane than I am. ;P
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather taught me to win people over with kindness, especially when they are not kind or when they are very vocal about how much they hate your guts. It's must be a God thing.
If only it were a matter of kindness! Sadly it is not. Thankfully we are only responsible for our part.
ReplyDeleteWe have been running parallel for many years now. Pity we are not close enough to commiserate in person!