Sunday, 20 August 2017

The Great Homosexual Lie.

I do not support the LGBT crew ~ so if you do I suggest you
don't continue reading.  I have a different viewpoint & that does not make me bigoted, homophobic, a hater [or hateful], mean, nasty or whatever other names normally get thrown around.  It means I have a different viewpoint & some evidence to actually support my POV.

I bet you've heard a version of "I was born this way" or "God made me this way" or "I can't help the way I was born~ like you can't help being heterosexual " & most people seem to have bought into this clever piece of propaganda without ever checking the scientific evidence. There is none.  Zilch.  Nado.

At least according to the John Hopkins study which was immediately & vitriolically attacked by the alphabet crew.  I can't keep up.  They keep adding letters.

If you really know God & your bible you know He hasn't made anyone *gay*.  He made people *tov* ~ that is functioning in the manner in which they were designed to operate. Tov is the word translated *good* in Genesis. The 1st command was to go forth & multiply so all the clever arguments about homosexuality being a normal aberration of nature do not hold water because homosexuality is by its very nature sterile. It is an aberration, pure & simple.

Now that alone should be enough for any sensible Christian before we get onto things like we are not meant to look like the world, talk like the world, think like the world or act like the world.  Nor can we expect the world to think, look, act, speak like we are meant to do.

Just the same the level of vitriol against conservative Christians has been incredible.  But of course the hippie generation bought into the *higher consciousness* ~ *we have evolved* ~ mindset, so Christians are being seen as unevolved & stuck in an ancient mindset with *an imaginary friend in the sky*. No, He's not imaginary.  Just because you haven't meet Him doesn't mean He doesn't exist.

It seemed to me there was no explanation for the sudden increase in the whole homosexual agenda, no explanation for why there were so many people running round saying they were born this way when many of the homosexual people I have known most definitly were NOT born that way.

Then, as so often happens, I was studying something I thought was completely unrelated ~ Romans 12:2.Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

Most of my life I've heard this passage taught as knowing scripture, learn to listen to the Holy Spirit ~ that sort of thing ~ & quite right too!  But along the way I ran across the science of neuroplasticity ~ & yes, it is a science. 

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganize itself both physically & functionally.  It is used in cases of brain trauma, stroke, birth abnormalities etc. When functioning positively [ie as God designed us] it wires the brain  in healthy ways.  If we focus on negatives: depression, anxiety, hate whatever it also rewires but instead of creating healthy pathways it creates neurological chaos. Every thought we have is a choice & every choice is either reinforcing our neurological wiring or changing it & as this happens throughout our lifetimes it is perfectly feasible that homosexuals have trained their brains in aberrant ways from childhood ~ so early they do not remember when it began.

 And thus  homosexuality is indeed a choice ~ & why the *safe schools program* ~ what a joke! is so very dangerous.  This is why Christians can call homosexuality a sin ~ not because we hate the people [that is also a sin] but because the act is not beyond their control. Sin starts in the mind: These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. James 1:15

Homosexuality is a Great Lie ~ & we know who the Father of Lies is, don't we!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When will you ever stop holding back? ;P

    Oh, and I loved "the alphabet crew," I think I will be using that from now on.

  3. I know... :{ I call it as I see it.
