Thursday, 10 November 2016

Post Traumatic.

“Pops added,"you know, they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve."

"And if you do, you never get the results you expected," (Katherine) replied.” ~ E.A. Bucchianeri

I have been rather quiet lately ~ & not just because the American election has consumed so much time. Like many other countries America's choice affects us & we already have the pundits calling for a recession from American influence.  Thankfully they are no longer in politics & their views will not affect policy so saner heads are likely to prevail.

I am quietly hopeful.  Trump is at least seen to be willing to listen to the Christian right & has publically stated Christian influence cannot be allowed to wane in America.  This gives hope to those of us in a much more openly secular country that our frantic paddling below water & fervent prayers are being heard & we will not go down the path of secular humanism to destruction ~ or at least not immediately.

We were called to prayer in unusual ways & as intercessors in the weeks prior to the election & felt that Trump was God's choice & a reprieve for Americans if they are willing.  It should be a wake up call to the left that in trying to get your agenda in place you cannot ignore large segments of your population.  They will rise up at some point & scream Foul! We saw it with Brexit in England.  We saw it with One Nation here in Australia.  We are seeing it in France & Germany, Sweden & Norway.

And as surely we see *love & tolerance* fly out the window when the love & tolerance crowd does not get it's own way.  Tolerant of everyone & everything except those who disagree with their *tolerance*. *sigh* The irony kills me, though really, it should not be a laughing matter.

So we did our thing in the park on Sunday & as we were coming home from the shops discovered flames leaping out of the CG's bedroom window.  She had been burning candles prior to getting in the shower but swears they were out [which I believe to be true.] The phone she has been using was in the middle of her bed & that is where the hottest part of the fire was & where it appears to have started; the phone is a molten mess.  Praise the Lord we were able to put it out just before it really took hold & have a few scorched walls, ruined bed linen, molten curtains but no structural damage. Her new computer, passport, & Chile identification were all saved though she must replace her Blue card, bank card, driver's license, & transport card.

Then we had a massive storm election night with thunder & lightening & torrential summer rain only to find someone had turned our garden hose on full bore & flooded our yard ~ not any of us.  We keep the head on & do not leave the hose where it was found.

Then CG had to fly down to Melbourne for her debrief on the Monday morning, completely rattled & upset by the fire, only to have a security leak on her home flight.  We have been getting more & more of these *attacks* but we are being wonderfully protected by our Lord & saviour.

I need to get off the emotional rollercoaster  but the unfolding drama I see all around me is rather addictive.  People are peculiar creatures & their choices often befuddle me but the reality is not my circus, not my monkeys. I belong to another Kingdom & thankfully it is ruled by a righteous King who does not show partiality.


  1. "And as surely we see *love & tolerance* fly out the window when the love & tolerance crowd does not get it's own way."

    Amen. It is human nature to be tolerant of what we find to be tolerable, but it is God's nature to love us even when we are intolerable. Riots and violence is evidence of which political group is truly the least tolerant.

    I actually have seen pictures of a spray-painted message making its rounds on the Internet: MAKE RACISTS AFRAID AGAIN. This was posted and adapted as an avatar on Instagram by a Christian young man!

    That is NOT coming from the GOD I know.

  2. I completely got sidetracked with the political part, which is why I need to step away...far away.

    I am so sorry about the fire and yet so very thankful that it went no farther than it did and no one was hurt.
