I loved being an October baby. In Sydney it is the best month: just warming up for summer but the morning rich with scents & just cool enough. It is a green month, the waters of bays & Harbour, river & inlet a deep jeweled sapphire & the sunshine glows amber amongst the tree leaves.
I have a late birthday so it meant Exams were nearly over & the long summer holidays almost here. I pitied those who had birthdays in June or July, the depths of winter, or hot summer babies, beet red in the heat. Even in Queensland, October has always been a pleasant month until now.
Things began to change about 10 years ago. There would be a knock at the door & some random child in a witch's hat & ghoulish mask demanding candy ~ here in Australia where October is not fall & Halloween cannot possibly be a fall festival.
They don't come any more. I never have candy but I can give them a history lesson they never wanted. I guess word's got out...
I hate Halloween with a passion. I hate the Americanisation of my country. I hate that people want to dress ugly, scary, demonised. I understand, as most Australians don't, the symbols they are using. The carved pumpkins that seem so cute? Left by wiccans to acknowledge you have agreed with satan. That is a spiritual doorway. It gives satan a right & an access to your family, your home, your life. People laugh but there is nothing funny about the end results of cavorting with the devil.
Reclaim for Christ, cry some sadly misguided Christians. I'm sorry but there is no way you can reclaim this for Christ. You cannot make holy that which is intrinsically unholy. Halloween was originally a festival dedicated to the Old Celtic gods ~ & they were dedicated to 2 things: sex & death. Now consider the majority of halloween costumes; they are either sexy or deathly. Those *fun* halloween games: fertility rites! The trick or treating? A tithe to hell, one way or another.
Exodus 23:13
Now concerning everything which I have said to you, be on your guard: & do not mention the name of other gods, nor let[them] be heard from your mouth.
Exodus 23:24
Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
Again & again & again God told Israel not to follow in the traditions of the pagan peoples who surrounded them. Again & again & again they did ~ with dire consequences. Which bit of utterly overthrow them & break down their images do Christians not understand? Which bit of nor do after their works is incomprehensible?
I am sad beyond measure to see more & more children each year given to satan like this. I am devastated well meaning parents allow it. I am angry that greed is seeing this advertised on tv & so it is becoming a *thing* with the next generation of Australian children.
I have problems with other *Christian* holidays as well. Essentially there is nothing Christian about them & so I am not surprised that they have become commercialised. They were always satans. He's just taking back what was always his.
I think it should be compulsory reading for every Christian parent to read or listen to the testimonies of ex~pagans about the meaning & the symbolism of halloween. They understand. They get it. When they get saved they utterly reject it ~ & they can't understand why Christians don't. Jesus is coming back for a Church without spot or stain. It is past time to repent of worldly ways & wash our robes clean in the blood of Christ!
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