Wednesday 1 February 2017

Not of God.

It has been coming for some time. Bit by bit I have been culling my FB friends list.  Finally I have
reduced it to just family & Church ~ with just one or two others.  No, I haven't closed it completely.  I have our church page, which must be linked to a private account, & there are ministries I follow but the vitriol, the partisanship, the lack of logic along with purely emotive pictures & language, horrify me.  Enough is enough.

What I am seeing is a complete lack of balance coupled with venom for anyone who disagrees. This is not of God.  It is satan who seeks to kill, destroy & steal, who enjoys seeing the church divide like the Red Sea over 1 man.  The *Social Gospel* is not the gospel at all.  The gospel is Christ crucified to return us to relationship with God the Father & nowhere in scripture do I see Jesus expending His energy fighting for change.  Yes, in His relationships He was radical ~ but he led by example, not by rallying the troops to fight social injustices ~ which is rather interesting because the Jews were certainly looking for that sort of a Messiah.

Deuteronomy 32:8 has this to say: When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.

God allocated land to the different peoples of the earth ~ with borders! This free flow across open borders is not of God. God is orderly. Governments, leaders & authorities are given to us by God ~ He raises them up, He takes them down. We get the governments we pray for ~ or fail to pray for.

Yes, there are terrible social injustices.  Yes we are to help the poor & downtrodden but we over~ride other biblical principles regarding the government of our countries at our peril. Our loyalty to a cause should  never over~ride our loyalty to God. Jesus lived under Roman government.  Rarely has there been a more corrupt, power~hungry, globally minded government yet Jesus still said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, & unto God that which is God's. That so many Christians seem to think marching in the streets alongside people who smash in windows, riot, litter, scream obscenities, disrespect the government, the police, the very process of democratic government is somehow more godly that those of us who retreat to our prayer closets & petition the One who can actually effect change boggles my mind.


  1. ...and AMEN!

    My generation was still advised that it was impolite to discuss religion, politics, and money, but in this day and age I would add sex. Unfortunately, people have become so sensitized that a person can hardly keep tract of all the other PC issues that people should avoid talking about. Even just mentioning the weather can become an heated global climate change discussion!

    However, I have been highly concerned about the "hate talk" on social media that is being posted by Christian people, who ironically claim to be against "hate talk" least from everyone on the opposite side of their favored issue. As I have said many a time, hypocrisy is the most telling of our sins. It indicates of the condition of the heart, for how can we possibly act out of hate and/or become what we hate when we are walking with God?

    1. It is breaking my heart. People I thought were sane, balanced, thoughtful & reasonable ~ able to disagree without becoming hateful ~ have very much proved otherwise yet are completely blind to how hateful they themselves are being. Globalization is a snare of the devil & sooo many are falling for it in Jesus name. The *whole counsel* of God gives balance ~ a time to include & a time to exclude, a time for mercy & a time for judgement. I pray that the Lord keeps me from being deceived!
