Friday, 7 December 2018

What's been happening.

 I can't say I will be sorry to see the back of 2018. In many ways it has been a horrible, horrible year.  Yes we gained a wonderful new DIL & a very lovely grand~daughter but we also had an ugly family issue drag on & on & on.  It was only partially resolved when the MOTH's mother died.

The MOTH, who has been in bible college all year, was trying to deal with that as well as study when studying is not his strong suite [there is a reason I am the preacher in this family] & then his last week of school there was an accident on the boat that damaged an already damaged spine. I got a nasty virus on top of oral surgery which put me out of action so we have not been the happiest of households this past month. 

In the middle of feeling like death warmed up & turned over all my barred rocks decided to get baby brain & go broody on me one after another.  Honestly!  I was sooo cross. No eggs.   No rooster & I don't want one.  Nor do I want chicks.  We already have major panic stations because a big brown goanna has discovered the chook pen & every time he meanders past there is a terrible to~do. I don't think chicks would stand a chance & I can do without the trauma.

Strange as it may seem, I have never had to deal with a broody chook before.  Lacking a separate small cage & the stamina to constantly shoo her out of the nesting box I simply hoyed her out of the pen on her lonesome ownsome, much to her disgust.  The first day she sat on the nesting box roof & squawked crossly.  Then she sat @ the pen door & made pitiful noises. I went to bed & slept.  Finally she decided  to get over it & her sister went broody.  Same all over again.  By the 3rd chook I was so over it but I don't think she was all that fussed to start with because one day out of the pen & she  was over it!
This is our lovely Little Lady.
Isn't she just gorgeous?

1 comment:

  1. I pray 2019 is a quiet, peaceful, refreshing year for you, Ganeida. And your little granddaughter is precious. Hugs to you... xoxo
