Tuesday, 7 August 2018

The Inbetweens.

 In a moment, a breath, winter passed.  The icy mornings turned balmy & the sun through the trees shed only gentle warmth.

I am a person of inbetweens.  It is the inbetween seasons I like, the half~light between dawn & day, dusk & night, the half seen, the half heard rustlings, the shadow play of light, the deep toll of peace where the spinning world rests.

We have been so fraught for so long juggling the needs of others with all the things that need doing till my peace was frayed.  I am best in oceans of deep quiet: the bird song, the wash of water, the wind whisper gently pottering between garden & animals, able to pause because this day there were wallabies  bouncing along our beach, zillions of birds skittering through the trees, the cats that come to greet me with tails raised high & the hens calling a greeting as I pass. 

There is a bible verse that talks about this: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. You miss it in the rush & bustle.  The cities drown it out.  Only here, inbetween the ocean & the land, in the unquiet stillness, you sense the first garden functioning as it was always meant to function with that deep sense of rightness, everything going about it's own business in peace & harmony.  Just now there is plenty for everyone .  No need to squabble.  No need to fight. You can feel the generous hand of God pressing down till the cup of His blessing overflows.

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