Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Food, Glorious Food.

I am so not a *Foodie*.  Food is the bane of my life.  If someone invented a pill so that I need never cook again, ever, I would be over the moon.  Sadly  I am still waiting for this much needed & time saving invention!

My angst is multiplied by being vegetarian in a houseful of carnivores.  When the carnivores are home I get the short end of the stick because Lamb Roast is invariably on the menu & while I can eat none of it I always get the grease ingrained pans to clean.  So gross!

So we have been experimenting because when it is just the MOTH & I it is easy enough to cook vegetarian & do his meat as a *side*.

Roasted vegetable rice was good..

But this Forbidden Rice Salad [which I make warm] has been a surprising hit.  It looks awful: black & rather unappetising but black rice is rather nutty in flavour & with its mixture of nutty, savoury & sweet is surprisingly good.  I've made it several times now as we both like it.

On the other hand this Ropa Vieja was not good. Vegan so sort of thin in the flavour department ~ not that vegan always is but it would have been so much better if the sauce had a little more body.  May try it with coconut milk ~ but then, maybe not.  I really wasn't that fussed though the man liked it.

This, on the other hand [before it went in the oven], the man loved & I am rather dubious about. For starters it is a UK recipe & I was spitting chips about 1/2 way through because none of the measurements made any sense to this cups & ounces girl! The Americans are bad too, never calling anything by it's proper name & working exclusively in pounds & gallons as if stones & pints were beneath their notice.  *sigh*

Out here lasagne & cannelloni sheets are different things but the recipe said lasagne sheets so that's what I bought.  I should have read the rest of the recipe ~ or @ least the title ~ & realised it was cannelloni I needed.  Turned it into lasagne. *sigh* It tasted ok but took ages to make.  Waaaay too many steps, & I used too many pots & pans to make me happy but even though the man went back for seconds we still have left~overs so good value for money!

No prizes for guessing what we are having for tea tonight!

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