Old age is difficult enough: the memory loss; the aches & pains; the incontinence ~the terrible loss of mobility & independence; other people poking & prodding, telling you where to go & what to do & when to do it. The lack of privacy. What is truly awful is when half the family makes it all soo much worse.
That is where we are: battling the lies & stories, the innuendo, the obstructionism ~ the desire to control other people when we are the ones @ ground zero doing the hard yards. And every time the interference puts us back to the beginning again, starting from scratch to get the emergency help in place, home care in place, government help sorted, putting the person who needs the help under added stress & duress.
I find it difficult to credit ordinary people can be so nasty, so avaricious, they would put their greed & desire to not be burdened with the care of an elderly parent ahead enough to see them unhappy in an aged care facility rather than happily @ home with a little help. *sigh*
I do not do well with aggressive & selfish people. *double sigh*
As one generation wanes the new one rises up. My twins were the bearers of double good news this week. T1 is about to produce our 2nd grandchild. Sometime in October. OT has announced his engagement. It is all a little overwhelming. I don't think I do life well. Ideas are easier. If you don't like one, just bury it. Life is not like that.
Got your message and have been praying...about what only the Spirit knows, but while your attention is on all this, there is reason to be on the watch with a younger one.
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