I have been doing some babysitting again ~ which eats up huge goblets of my time, what with the travelling to & fro & the super tiredness that comes with looking after a small child again when you have not done that for a looong time!
For Purim I had made some noisemakers ~ just really simple ones out of milk bottles & coffee cans filled with a few garden pebbles ~ so I took one along for the Little Man, who has a house full of toys he never plays with. Yep. It amused him for ages. Take the lid off. Pour out the stones. Put he stones in, one by one. Try & screw the lid on. Shake it all about a bit. Take the lid off. Pour out the stones... Seriously scary how something so cheap & simple beats all the toys in the world.
Still, what the Little Man really likes is to be out & about. He's not real keen on doing any exercise himself but he is very happy to be pushed along in his stroller for hours @ a time. I like to walk but I do not like to walk in a Queensland summer. Far too hot & sticky! Still, in the end, it was just too much not to. There are some lovely old estates in the area with the biggest, greenest trees & acres of land.
I have gone in new directions the last few times. The Little Man & I generally disagree on the best direction. He likes the highway with lots of rushing trucks & cars & motorbikes, where the train hoots & hurtles past & he can wave @ all the passing traffic. Not my idea of fun & as I am steering we go into the quieter backwaters & the green spaces council has so thoughtfully provided ~ though what else does one do with the undrained swamps? Last time we found some glorious old gardens & I was perfectly happy gazing @ the lovely, established gardens but the Little Man thought this seriously dull. He enjoyed the swing ~ but as he insisted on letting go & half upending himself for the joy of seeing me rush to grab his feet before he tipped out completely I told him we weren't going to do that any more. He wasn't happy but I don't want to be responsible for his cracked head!
We had a most lovely church service on Sunday ~ paddling through the Hanukkah covenants & sorting ourselves out for the holiday break but that is enough peopling for me for one day so when the MOTH decided he was going to keep the P&W music going afterwards I took myself off for a nice long walk where @ least the noise was different. It has been so windy here & the waves were crashing noisily onto the rocks but God knows what soothes my soul & as I climbed the hill onto the point the first thing I saw was a large messy nest & both birds were in residence.
This is a whistling kite, one of our medium sized raptors. Glad neither of the cats was with me as they are obviously breeding & a cat snack would be just the thing for a hungry brood.
The nests are always huge & get added to year after year. I often see either the birds or the nests but getting decent pictures is never easy. So happy I got these.
I love walking along with you.
ReplyDeleteHawks and eagles are my favorite of birds, maybe even owls too.
We taught the Princess sign language before she began talking. It kept that frustration level down even though she began talking at the typical time. I knew what she wanted even when she was just a few months old. Simple signs like milk, eat, play, toy, kitty, cookie--trust me they all learn the one for cookie real fast.
Yes, hawks, owls, eagles, falcons...I love them all even though their habits are super grotty.
DeleteI think I just find the signing thing weird, especially as it is NOT reducing frustration ~ & I'm very verbal. TLM is his father's son: the strong silent type & very much a doer of deeds. One is an inbetween age, not a baby but not a big boy either, & it is the grizzling everyone is finding most wearing. I suspect it's worth it as his parents must reward it or he wouldn't. Thus speaketh the sage! lol