October is our month for birthdays ~ not that we fuss overmuch but a nice meal out, off~island, is usually a good way to go. So as it was my birthday I got to choose. *sigh*
You know, you can be rainbow coloured & all the letters of the alphabet but finding vegetarian options on anyone's menu round here is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. If you are lucky the restaurant in question will offer one: one entree, one main. And then they don't ever change their menu. I cook better & more interesting vegetarian @ home. So knowing this, & knowing how very much my man likes to use my birthday as an excuse to eat out, I began looking early, scrolling through the on~line menus of the local restaurants. I opted for The Lighthouse even though their specialty is seafood. They @ least change their vegetarian option regularly & the view is wonderful.
It turned out to be a really, really bad option. The MOTH's meal was lovely ~ but he eats seafood.
There are lots of things to like about the Lighthouse. They have a huge outside dining area that is spectacular & gets the sea breeze but on Sunday it was super crowded & unbelievably noisy ~ a huge negative for me. I don't like crowds & huge amounts of noise make me anxious & irritable ~ but birthday treat so I'm prepared to be accommodating. They also do signature cocktails. I hardly ever drink so these are always an experience as I never know what it is likely to taste like. This was a *Blush Blast*. Interesting.
The vegetarian option was pappardelle [with shiitake mushrooms, spinach & pine nuts] ~ which I had no idea was pasta. I'm not a huge pasta fan but whatever...About halfway through something cut the inside of my mouth & I spat out a huge chunk of mussel shell. Gag. Absolutely gross ~ apart from the pain. Nothing like trolling through your meal in public in search of other nasty surprises.
I remember my mother telling T1, after he'd ordered a particularly awful meal when eating out as a child & was hugely disappointed, that the dining experience was always about taking risks: win some, lose some ~ & sometimes your experience will be less than optimum. Well, mine was less than optimum!
Dessert was fun. I ordered affogato ~ because I'd never had it before & it sounded interesting. It was! ☺ I had no idea how one was supposed to tackle this but had a vague idea one was supposed to pour one's shots over one's icecream ~ so I did. Apparently that is correct. Hmmmm. Not sure what the attraction is....
We took ourselves round to the kids' place for coffee where the Little Man, who is experiencing his first day care & church creche, took exception to our appearance. All in all it was an interesting day & a huge relief to arrive home!
Well, you lived another year, at least! Sorry, that your birthday dinner was not a great experience for you.