The further a society drifts from the Truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
I learnt to drive in a largish country town, a university town; big enough to have it's own theatre, police department & fire brigade but small enough it was pretty hard to get lost. Getting lost was something you had to work at. I was in my twenties so up until the point my MOTH bought me a tomato soup coloured VW I had either walked everywhere or traveled by public transport. I couldn't drive & didn't have a licence.
One of the worst things about moving down to Brisbane was the complete sense of disorientation. I didn't know where anything was. I had no reference points. I had never heard of most of the suburbs & I can't describe the panic I felt one day when I stopped our van, chocka~full of small children, at the petrol station to ask directions back to our general area only to find no~one had ever heard of it. It was devastating & overwhelming. That is how I feel about our world just now.
I live in a world that quite simply I don't recognise any more ~ a world gone completely mad, a world where good is called evil & evil good & common sense is no longer common. Common sense says if you have man bits you are a man. It doesn't matter how you feel or what you think you should be, you are a man. Your DNA will always declare you male.
I wonder, when this generation finally achieves their Brave New World of gender neutral unisex anything goes conformity, if it will be everything they think it will be in their naivety? Buying into the *we're all one big family & should be tolerant of each other's differences* is to deny certain realities. It is to ask me to be tolerant of evil.
It is very simple if you know your history. Mohammad was a pedophile. He married a 9 year old little girl & many of his followers still marry little girls ~ & not just the so called radicals either. That is just downright evil. Why on earth should anyone be asked to tolerate this? We have a much better understanding of biology & know little girls' bodies are not ready for sex.
Homosexuality? Take a closer look at Ancient Greek Culture. It wasn't just grown men who chose to behave in certain ways. Older men groomed teens so they could have sex with them. This was the cultural norm, a way for young men to be mentored & get ahead in their society. How is this acceptable? This is what our tolerance will get us.
Now those who don't believe in any religion @ all, I understand. Why should they adhere to a moral code imposed culturally by a religious group's *imaginary friend?* I don't like it. These sort of people, in my experience, are often the least tolerant in practice of those who think differently & adhere to a different moral code. Christians may be vocally anti but in practice extend love & help to those they disagree with. Again, just my personal experience. The ones I don't understand are those Christians who have bought into this politically correct nonsense. Nowhere in scripture do I see Jesus tolerating the intolerable just to keep the peace. People who want to keep the peace don't upset the people who hold the power.
My society feels like a ship with a broken rudder in the midst of a storm. There are no life jackets. No life boats, only the certain knowledge that unless the moral storm anchor holds we are headed for destruction.
I do not want to live in this Brave New World. Everything I know to be good & decent & moral is being replaced & you know the weirdest thing about that? I used to be far more tolerant than I am now. I am far more likely to discriminate now because that is one of the few ways I can protest what is being done to me without my consent because popular opinion has decided it's best for me.
I see this in our society too. Australia, despite the White Australia Policy & an unenviable history with its indigenous population, has always had a reputation for inclusiveness & tolerance ~ & rightly so. We have been a live & let live society but the more minority groups push for their *rights*, the more I see the majority starting to push back & become less tolerant, less inclusive. It's ironic. Political correctness is generating the very thing it seeks to abolish.
I find it very hard to live in this wrangle with the constant vilification, the hatred, the intolerance on all sides of the political rainbow. It distresses me. I cling to the small, simple, un~naunced things: Marlow slinking up the bed after I am asleep to curl in the hollow of my bent arm, rest his head on my chest, & purr contentment; the flush of azalea buds, out of season & too soon burnt by the heat; the little birds dipping in & out of the birdbath, the big ones wallowing; the sound of the surf booming softly in the distance & the sharp scent of summer storms threatening rain.
On the fulcrum of time our rocking world hangs suspended for a moment. My prayer is that the craziness will be halted, that our spiritual eyes will be opened to our collective, self~destructive insanity & God will grant us mercy before it's too late.
I guess that the U.S. is not the only country going crazy. I have more to say but I will blog on my blog.
ReplyDeleteWhen the Christians side with the ungodly we are in big trouble. I can see how they go there but I cannot agree they are right.