Sunday, 2 October 2016

It's not about the Muslims.

If you have been following the Australian news at all then you have probably seen the poll saying 60% of Australians support Pauline Hanson's call for a ban on Muslim immigration to our country.

Predictably our liberal left is screaming Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia, multiculturalism & just as predictably they have completely missed the point.  It is not about the Muslims.  It is not even about Islam as such.  It is about cultural things that are anathema to many Australians, especially conservative Australians. I will go down my personal list.

  • FGM.  10 million girls globally are exposed to FGM each year.  [ActionAide]
 *Analysis of ABS and UNICEF data suggests that there are 83,000 women and girls in Australia who may have been subjected to FGM. Around 5,640 girls under the age of 15 may be in danger, and 1,100 girls are born every year to women who may have had FGM. This means that three girls a day are born in Australia who are at high risk of being subjected to FGM.* The Drum

This is not something to be proud of.  Our laws expressly forbid the practise of FGM. This is not a cultural deviation.  It is child abuse.  No enlightened society should ever tolerate it.  Ever. Period.

Christianity does not practise this.

  • Child Brides. The number of child brides in Australia has doubled in the past few years. Link. We have seen the increase proportionate to the increase in numbers from countries where this practise is acceptable. Economic reasons do not apply in this country. Therefore it is a religious & social custom that is unacceptable in a civilized country.  A child's body is not fully developed to engage in sex or childbirth. It is pedophilia & is illegal. Why would we want to bring this into our country? We have enough problems in this area.  Ditto domestic violence.

  • Integration. It doesn't happen. 
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew publicly stated "we can't integrate Muslims". British Prime Minister Cameron, French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel have also stated that multiculturalism has failed in respect to Muslims. QSociety 

I know this is a generalisation but the overwhelming evidence shows that devotion to Islam trumps allegiance to country.  This is true of Christianity as well.  The difference is that Christianity is not going to kill you if you leave.  Christianity has not declared jihad on the infidels.  Christianity is not intolerant [in practice & generally] of other faiths.

No go zones in France & other Western nations have allowed for the implication of Sharia so that in effect there are now 2 different legal processes operating & it seems nothing can be done to prevent this.  One nation, one legal system for everyone ~ & not sharia!

  • Sharia. The practice of Sharia is barbaric.  Devout muslims believe sharia to be God ordained & therefore to be implemented wherever possible. Most Australians do not want public executions, beatings, limbs removed for crimes, stonings, honour killings etc.  Polygamy is still illegal here.   Judeo/Christianity says one man, one woman. A youtube search will turn up *moderate* Australian imams arguing for sharia to be implemented in this country ~ & their congregation [all male] agreeing wholeheartedly. No thank you. 
Please do not quote the old testament law at me.  To do so shows a basic misunderstanding of the civil, ceremonial & moral law of the bible & its fulfilment in the person of Jesus Christ.  Completely irrelevant.

  • Hallal. Why are Australians being forced to pay a tax on food items to a religion most do not follow & whose practise is abhorrent to them?

  • Trust. Lastly, I have no reason to trust a religion whose stated intent is to convert me or kill me. Don't believe me? Here are some verses from the Koran:

  • Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them(2:191)
  • Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)
  • When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)
  • Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)
  • Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
  • The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)
  • Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)
The problem is not muslims.  The problem is that their belief system is incompatible with Western values & Christianity. Like most Australians I don't care what faith you practise, if any, but I believe in an individual's God given right to free choice. The imposition of values I do not adhere to is abhorrent. Practise Islam if you must but leave the rest of us alone.


  1. Wow...and I thought of the two of us, you would be the more sympathetic. I feel the same as you.

    1. Not on this. So over the bleeding hearts. This is a culture that practises slavery ~ the buying & selling of human beings made in the image of God whose *prophet* was a phedophile. It is completely intolerant of any other belief system & those who believe differently are very deluded.
