Monday, 18 February 2019

I didn't drop off the edge of the world.

2018 made me quite crotchety, what with having needles poked into me, bits cut out of me & teeth pulled.  It has taken me a while to restore my equilibrium which is always easier the less people contact I have.

Not that I never people.  Obviously I do but I'm one of those odd bods who don't get lonely in their own company & am perfectly happy pottering about all on my lonesome ownsome.  For people we had a friend arrive with her big city grandchildren to meet our chooks, who dutifully allowed the children to collect their eggs & cuddle them.  So funny watching everyone try to deal with live mealworms. The children weren't sure about the worms; the chickens weren't sure about the children.  The chickens wanted the worms & the children wanted rid of them so everyone had to compromise!

I spent a week with my mother in January.  She will be 85 this year & going strong.  Likely to outlive all of us.  While I was away the MOTH kindly looked after my animal collection but we have had a scorcher of a summer which sent all my barred rocks broody & he lost one who disappeared, went into a broody trance & expired.  I did find her body when I got home & duly buried her & of course my chicken child, who is never here, was rather upset. However we are going to build a bigger coop & I am adding variety to my flock. Eye candy: silver laced Wyandottes, Silver Campines, Speckled Sussex...maybe.

After waiting 12 months the soil for our raised garden beds has finally arrived.  I promptly planted out some veggies & my chooks just as promptly staged a mass break out & mowed down the lot.  A more secure run is in order.  Anyway I finally have soil I can plant freesias in & will be doing a mass sowing of bulbs as soon as they arrive so that Spring should be heavy with beautiful scents.

I also spent a lot of time with the grand~kids, which has made me wonder how I ever managed with 5.  So exhausting!  And we now have a 3rd on the way as OT & his Beloved are due Septemberish.

So our little world keeps turning, though this year is shaping up to be even more exhausting than last year.  At least I can't complain that life is dull.